St. Mary’s Malankara Syrian Orthodox Church Vienna

“you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8).

St. Mary's Malankara Syrian Orthodox Church Vienna is considered to be the first parish of the Malankara Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church in Europe. HG Thomas Mor Dionysius (now Catholicose H. B. Aboon Mor Baselius Thomas I) and Rev. Fr. Dr. Adai Jacob (now V. Rev. Dr. Adai Jacob Cor-Episcopose, Principal, MSOT Seminary, Mullanthuruthy) visited Vienna and celebrated Holy Qurbana on 23rd July 1989 at the Armenian Church, Kolonitzgasse 11, in the 3rd district of Vienna, for the Jacobite Syrian Christians from India.

The new millennium witnessed and influx of more families arrived from Vienna added extra spirit to everyone. With the limited resources, the Congregation showed great determination and took challenges to achieve different goals. In November 2003 our Congregation has got registered with ecumenical organisation AGOCK, the largest Christian Association in Switzerland and also became a permanent member in AGOCK. In 2004 we were blessed with a new leadership H.E. Dr. Mor Theophilose Kuriakose, a very efficient organiser and an unwavering personality, H. E. is a shining example of someone who can stay calm and composed with eyes fixed right on the target even in times of turbulence


Position Name
Vicar / President V. Rev. Joshua Ramban
Vice President Mr. Yacob Padickakudy
Secretary Cmdr. George Padickakudy
Treasurer Mr. Sunil Korah
Committee Members Mr. Nirmal Thuruthummel
Committe Member Ms. Sija Paulose
Diocese Council Members Mr. Jolly Thuruthummel
Diocesean Council Member Mr. Johnson Chelappurathu
Sunday School Mr. Eldhose Palpath
Vanitha Samjam Secretary Ms. Minu Eyathukalathil
Youth Association Ms. Sherin Chelappurath

St. Mary’s Malankara Syriac Orthodox Church Lainzer Str. 154A,1130 Wien, Austria
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