St. Mary's Malankara Syriac Orthodox Church Malta

Holy Qurbana Every Sunday at 7:00 PM

In 2015, the children of universal Syrian Orthodox Church residing in Malta, under the initiative of Mr.Eldho Paulose Earalil, gathered together to start a spiritual community under the heritage and tradition of universal Syrian orthodox church in the land of Malta. By the end of 2017, beloved member Eldho Paulose Earalil sought guidelines from H.G Issac Mor Osthatheous regarding the same and His Grace adviced to approach H.G Kuriakose Mor Theophilose (Diocese Metropolitan). By that ,He approached and allow permission to start a New Congregation Here.

Following The Edict of His Grace, appointed Rev.Fr.Nomis (Paulose) Pathiyil Kuriakose, a priest of the Evangelical Association Of the East Arch Diocese, was doing Masters in Theology In Rome as the Vicar Of the Congregation. On 21st January 2018. Rev. Fr Nomis (Paulose) Pathiyil Kuriakose arrived in Malta with all the essentials needed for Holy Eucharist. Following the First Holy Qurbono at 7.30pm, read the pastoral Letter of H.G Dr. Kuriakose Mor Theophilose and established a new congregation in Malta.


Position Name
Vicar / President Rev. Fr. Paul P George
Vice President, Council Member Mr. Arun Paul
Secratary Mr. Eldho Earalil
Asst. Secretary, Council Member Mr. Romy Thomas
Treasurer Mr. Geon Paulose
Assistant Treasure Mr. Sijo Varghese
Council Member Mr. Basil KK
Committe Member Mr. Bosewel Thomas
Committe Member Mr. inu Varghese
PRO Ms. Anitta Thomas
Auditor Mr. Ashik Benny
Co-Ordinator for GOZO Mr. Nelbin Mathew

72, Triq sanguzepp Pieta, Malta
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