St. George Malankara Syrian Orthodox Church Frankfurt

For many years, a countable number of people from the Kerala state of India migrated to Germany and settled down in and around the Frankfurt region. A good number of them were Malankara Jacobite Syriac Orthodox Christians. They were keen to follow the Syriac Orthodox faith, and always tried to maintain their distinct identity and preserved the traditions of the Syriac Orthodox Church. These believers of Malankara Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church were scattered and were associated with other Church denominations around to fulfil some of their spiritual needs.

In January 2018, a few of the believers of Malankara Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church scattered in and around the Frankfurt region arrived together to explore the possibilities of worshipping together in our own tradition. This would have been possible only after finding a Priest from our Church and thereby establishing a Congregation, to celebrate The Holy Qurbana in Malayalam. With the initial guidance and instructions from Fr. Biju Mathai Parekkattil (The vicar of St. Mary’s Church Dublin, who previously served as the Vicar of St. Mary’s Church Vienna), we approached Fr. Rino John (Abouna Dayroyo Shemv’n) from Salzburg who was pursuing his Masters in Syriac Theology. Fr. Rino John expressed his willingness to support us happily.


Position Name
Vicar / President Fr. Paul P George
Vice President Mr. Subin Paul Thomas
Secretary Mr. Dipin Paul
Treassure Mr. Ebby Kuriakose
Committee Members Mr.Jibin John
Sudhish Mathew
Youth Co-ordinator Binoy K Varghese
Vanitha Samajam Bency George
Deepa Varghese
Auditor Aby Mankulam

Maria Mutter-Gottes Syrisch Orthodoxe Kirche,Homburger Straße 190, 61118 – Bad Vilbel,Germany.
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